Laboratory Furniture Fume Hood plan design and supply - Cartmay Industrial

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A Series Introduction of Lab Accessories--Lab Eye Wash, Emergency Shower
A Series Introduction of Lab Accessories--Lab Eye Wash, Emergency Shower

Eye wash:

The structure of the eye wash:


   (1)Eye nozzle: designed for eye and facial cleaning water 


   (2)Eye spray dust cover: used to protect eye nozzle of dust prevention device


   (3)Switch valve: valve device used to open and close water flow


   (4)Plumbing: used to guide the flow of the device


   (5)Mesh: used to filter out into the eye wash pieces


   (6)Base: fixed the eye wash

Emergency shower & Emergency shower and eye wash:
        (1)Compound eye wash: spray system have eye system, installed directly on the ground


    (2)Vertical eye wash: no spray system have eye system, installed directly on the ground


    (3)Wall eye wash: no spray system have eye system, installed directly on the wall


    (4)Desktop eye wash: no spray system have eye system, installed directly on the workbench


    (5)Sprinkler: there are no eye spray system, installed directly on the ground


    (6)Spray head: there is no eye spray system, installed directly on the wall, ceiling